
I love to talk, and that is why I have made it quite easy to get in touch with me! I read all queries to the addresses indicated with a * within 24 hours of receiving them, so please be patient!

Instant Messaging

Google Hangouts: [email protected]

Skype: trozz1548

Please note that invitations to chat should be solicited! Unsolicited invitations will be refused.

Identity Validation

Keybase: trozz

PGP Key: 31908B32

PGP Fingerprint: 2F6B 7D5F 18F4 8759 C67C AB50 08EF 6812 3190 8B32

Code Repositories

Github: trozz

Launchpad: trozz

Bitbucket: trozz

AUR: trozz

Social Networks

Twitter: @trozz

Facebook: trozz1548

Google Plus: Michael Leer


Freenode: * Trozz * Trozz_ * zzTrozz

Geekshed: * Trozz * Trozz_ * zzTrozz

Please note these are registered usernames