Automating Hugo Deployments

As you may notice I have done a few updates today, I have always had the strong believe that if a task is repeated more than once that it should be automated, now deploying something like Hugo can be very easy as if you simply commit the public folder then this folder can be deployed, personally I do not commit this folder and infact exclude it via my .gitignore, this is a habit due to the fact that I believe in reproducible builds, yes even for something as simple as Hugo.

Enter CodeShip as I didn’t want to setup Jenkin’s simply for deploying this site I looked for a deployment company that would offer a free account, using CodeShip I am now monitoring my website repository and building the public files as required, it then logs in to my web servers and deploys the code

CodeShip setup

As I had said there is not a great deal to the CodeShip setup, I selected a go project as this would install the requirements for building Hugo from source, then I simply run the hugo command specifying the theme that I require.

go get -v
hugo --theme blackburn

Under the deployment I simply setup a rsync to clone the data to the web servers, I added the --delete argument as anything that has not been generated should no longer exist, I also added the -r tag rather than -a to ensure that files are correctly owned by the user that is used for the rsync

rsync -rvz --delete . {user}@{server}:

And there we have it, that is an extremely basic deployment of a website using Hugo so that when I am finished writing a post I no longer need to run the rsync myself…